I am not an expert cook – by no means! In fact, there are too many things I do not know how to cook. But I do have a love of baking and today I suddenly realized something. Each dish, each recipe has a story behind it and all too often these stories get lost. So, while losing ourselves in the deliciousness of well-cooked food, let us also try to capture these little stories.
We cook for necessity, to please loved ones, and sometimes for ourselves. We cook as a passion or a hobby or just because we have to or want to. I have cooked for all of the above reasons and more. In these trying times, when many of us are housebound due to the Corona Virus, I realized that my stock of biscuits and cookies was running low. I was not out of options. I only had to tell my husband for him to bring me a whole box-load of different types. I could also walk down to the neighborhood shop, which is still open, and grab a packet. But where would be the fun in that?
I decided to try another alternative – to bake my own cookies. I had made cookies before and sometimes they turned out to be a disaster and sometimes eatable. Today, I knew that I shouldn’t use a recipe that had too many ingredients or was too time consuming. So, when I came across this recipe, I knew I just had to try it!
I baked the cookies in two batches. If you want to try them and you are using an OTG like I did, remember to bake them for 18 minutes with the heat on both sides, and then for about 8 minutes with the heat from the top to get a lovely golden hue. Time to enjoy!